Monday, February 8, 2010

Move out of your comfort zone.

That's right: move out of your comfort zone!
In order to achieve something in life, in order to grow you must move out of your comfort zone.

Recently I've heard that the courage is just that. To be courageous means to face your fears, to conquer them. That's how you do it! You conquer fear, you vanquish it by facing it. You win over fear by doing the thing you are fearful about.

That means you've got to move out of your comfort zone. You've got to trust yourself. You've got to believe in yourself. You've got to believe that whatever will happen, you will get through it, you will manage. You will figure it out.

You've got to start doing the thing. And if you waiting for the circumstances to be right, or for some kind of magic solution to your problems. Well, then you've got to get out of the couch, move your butt.

Your comfort zone is your silent killer.

You've got to rise your standards. You've got to go after what you want. It is your responsibility to make it happen!
So move on!

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